Monday, February 17, 2020

Analysis of a NewYork landmark Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of a NewYork landmark - Term Paper Example The paper intends to reveal certain facts of the Statue of Liberty based in New York. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and the beginning of a new life in the land of liberty. Moreover, the depiction of the landmark regarding the history of New York and the character of its inhabitants will also be discussed in the paper. In order to explain about what The Statue of Liberty communicates towards the history of New York City, it can be affirmed that the landmark can be duly regarded as a symbol of character of the city and the residents residing there. The landmark is often viewed to be a famous tourist attraction in New York since a long time period. The Statue of Liberty shows a picture of the slavery system being crushed in the feet of the lady as portrayed in the Statue. It also depicts the improvement of the life of the people of New York. Earlier in the United States, there exists the slavery system. This Statue reveals the abolition of t slave system in the history of New York and the rise of a better life style of the residents of the city. It is often considered to be a universal symbol of freedom against the slave system prevailing in the city along with the nation (Murthy Law Firm, â€Å"Statue of Liberty†). The Statue of Liberty not only communicates about the history of the previous days but also the characteristics of the citizens residing in the city. Along with the abolition of the slave system, the statue also highlighted the start of an efficient life of the people. The torch of the lady is a symbol of the characteristics of the residents of the city. New York is a city with large population having kind nature. This character has been reflected by the statue (Fleegler 193-196). The Statue of Liberty communicates a lot of information about the city of New York. The statue itself is a universal symbol of freedom which reveals the abolition of slave system

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